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Education in the United States is in a state of stagnation.


While a variety of changes and legislation have been applied over the past decade, the underlying format of the majority of schools remains the same as it has been for decades. With the same basic subject areas, grade-levels and school house designs, it is no wonder that change does not make any substantial difference to educational success. 


We need to look at education as an opportunity to prepare our young people for their future, not for our own ‘here and now,’ and not based on our own comfort of ‘what school is.’


Technology is changing at an exponential rate, as are the types of jobs available, location of one’s workplace and methods of collaboration with colleagues around the world. Teaching our students to learn in isolated subject areas, at set times in their day, while separated into a classroom that is organized by age and developmental estimates, rather than by interest, ability and potential for teaching and learning with others, does not reflect the workplace that they will enter as adults.


Students must learn to be flexible with their mindsets and time management, they need to work with and from others’ ideas, they will require a level of resourcefulness, via people, tools, and knowledge acquired and overall, they will need to feel comfortable adapting to constant change.


This is the future we must prepare them for, and we can only begin to do so if their learning environment mirrors this. 


Read more about plans for the first school to utilize the Learn for our Future (LFOF) philosophy, the Capitol Learning Academy.

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-Future mindset
-Global perspective

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