First Newsletter!
Our first newsletter officially went out today! This will be the quickest and most efficient way to stay up to date with what is...
Achieving Milestones
Starting something from scratch is a big deal. Whether it's for cooking, art or business, anybody that makes something from nothing...
First Event!
On Saturday, May 20, we hosted our first event. In terms of having strangers show up, take a chance on a new style of learning, and give...
Social Networking for the Win!
Most people in my circle use social media platforms for exactly what the name implies: to post media socially, in other words: to post...
Mixing and Mingling in Southeast
Uncharted Learning Academy plans to be located in Southeast Washington, DC. After almost a year of researching cities in the US, cities...
The Upwards Trending Learning Curve
There is always something to be learned. I know that I am annoyingly positive and optimistic in most situations, but I remain steadfast...
Founding by Example
How do you go about starting a school? This is the first question out of just about everyone's mouth when I tell them about my endeavor....
The Art of Listening
In an effort to create a school that will not only be unique, but also useful and relevant for those experiencing it, I have embarked on...